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Logistician at CopeCart
Logistician at CopeCart

Add or delete logistician, Logistics, services

Marisol Fernandez avatar
Written by Marisol Fernandez
Updated over 3 months ago

In the previously written article Account types at CopeCart we went into detail about the three types.

In this article, we will explain how to add or delete logisticians.

Logisticians are special partners with expanded rights and responsibilities who are responsible for overseeing and maintaining the entire process of product ordering and customer satisfaction.

Logistician settings are accessible through Affiliate Management.

Add logistician

If you want to add a logistician, make sure that this person is already registered with CopeCart as an affiliate. Users with vendor accounts cannot be logisticians or sellers.

Then start typing the name in the search box.

Afterwards you will receive the notification "Request for partnership sent."

"You have added a new logistician. You will get access

to the user information after Max Mustermann accepts your

has accepted your request."

IMPORTANT! An affiliate should approve a request to become a logistician and provide you with his user information.

After a user accepts your request, he can manage the shipping process of your products.

Delete logistician

If you want to end a collaboration with a logistician, simply delete the corresponding user specified as your logistician by clicking the Delete icon.

For further questions, please contact our support team at

Best regards

Your CopeCart US Team

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