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Shopping cart

Creation and configuration, checkout, shop, integration

Irina Zaiats avatar
Written by Irina Zaiats
Updated over 2 months ago

The shopping cart configuration process basically consists of two steps. First you create the shopping cart in CopeCart and then you configure it on your website.

For everything to work smoothly, it is important that the shopping cart itself and all the products you want to sell through the shopping cart are created as digital products. In this case, no shipping can be offered for the time being.

This approach allows for efficient and secure order processing and ensures that your customers enjoy the best possible buying experience. If you have any further questions or need assistance with the configuration, we will be happy to help you.

Create shopping cart

  • Create a shopping cart as a digital product

  • Contact us so that we can set the price to €0 (by default the price must be above €1).

  • Think of this shopping cart as a container for your other products.

  • Next, you should create other digital products that will be sold through the shopping cart. Once they are created, add them all as add-ons to your shopping cart product.

    If you don't have your own website, feel free to use our store feature.

Configure a shopping cart on your website

After you have set up a shopping cart and all products at CopeCart, this can be integrated with your website.

  • Insert the next line of code after an opening <body> tag.

<script src="
  • When customized to your website, it should look something like this:

  • This is how the customized part should look on your page (click on the image to see it enlarged).

The slug of the shopping cart (the product ID of the shopping cart) should be the same for all function configurations.

The slug of the add-on (the product ID of add-ons) should be unique so that the script can distinguish the products.

With this configuration, products set as add-ons for your shopping cart at CopeCart will be displayed as individual products on your website (click on the image to see it larger).

If you want to sell 50 products to be processed through the shopping cart, you should make sure that all 50 products are configured accordingly.

For further questions, please contact our support team at

Best regards

Your CopeCart US Team

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