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Your Dashboard at CopeCart
Irina Zaiats avatar
Written by Irina Zaiats
Updated this week


Net gross profit

The net gross profit is your earned money. On the Overview tab, three values of net gross profit are displayed, calculated for today, this month and this year accordingly. These amounts are calculated by deducting sales tax, CopeCart fee, affiliate commission and joint venture participation from gross sales. You can increase these values by increasing your sales.

Average shopping cart

This value shows you how high the average order value of your customers is. The value of your average shopping cart is calculated as follows: Gross total sales of your CopeCart account/Number of your orders. To increase this value, you can increase your selling price, implement cross-selling or offer product packages.

Daily transactions

This value shows you the number of orders processed today in your CopeCart account. You can increase this value with various marketing actions, such as newsletters, emails or advertisements.

Past days since target start

Shows the number of days since you set your sales target. The higher the number of days, the closer you are to reaching your sales target.

Development of the annual gross profit

This chart shows you the ratio and the development of your actual annual gross profit to your planned annual gross profit. If the actual annual gross profit is above the planned annual gross profit, you perform better than planned. If the actual annual gross profit is below the planned annual gross profit, you must take appropriate measures to increase sales.


Net Gross Profit

In this chart you can track and analyze the development of your net gross profit. Thus you can quickly see particularly good and particularly bad months and analyze how the corresponding result came about. Try to implement the strategies from the good months more regularly so that you can continuously increase your revenue.

Net gross profit through affiliates

This value shows you how much net gross profit was generated by your affiliate partnerships. This amount is calculated from the revenue generated by affiliates, minus the CopeCart fee, sales tax and affiliate commission. Focus on growing affiliate partnerships to increase this value, generate more revenue and increase your visibility.

Number of customers

This is the number of existing and new customers who have purchased your products. You can increase this value by attracting more new customers to buy your products.

Cancellation rate/Refund rate

This metric shows the percentage value of canceled, refunded and failed orders. The higher this value is, the more dissatisfied your customers are with your product. To improve this number, you should talk to the dissatisfied customers and ask them why. Once you implement this feedback, this number should go down.

Conversion rate

This value shows you the sales ratio of your sales page. It is calculated from the ratio of your total page visitors and your buyers. For example, if three out of ten visitors buy, you have a conversion rate of 30%. The higher this number is, the more attractive the offered product is to your site visitors. You can increase this rate by better tailoring your offer to your potential customers.

Total views of your sales pages

This value shows you how many customers have been on your sales pages at CopCart. The bigger this number is, the more interested people you have in your product. You should always consider this number in combination with your conversion rate to increase your sales. If the conversion rate goes down sharply when the number of views increases, you may be targeting the wrong audience.

Subscription Products

Net recurring gross profit

This value shows you the future recurring net gross profit based on the active subscriptions of your customers. Generate more active subscriptions to increase the value and thus increase your recurring net gross profit.

In the chart you can compare your recurring net gross profit for the selected period. Through this comparison you can analyze when your customers cancel subscriptions and when new ones are taken out. You can better analyze the days themselves to find out why your customers cancel subscriptions and take appropriate countermeasures.

Subscriptions won

This value shows you the number of new subscriptions. Increase the amount of won subscriptions to increase your recurring net gross profit.

Lost subscriptions

This parameter shows you the number of lost subscriptions. You should keep the number of lost subscriptions as low as possible to ensure your recurring net gross profit.

Active subscriptions

This value reflects your active subscriptions for the set period. If you increase this value, you will automatically increase your recurring net gross profit.

Active trial period

This value shows you the total number of customers who are in a trial period for one of your products before they have to pay anything. The more customers are in the trial period, the higher the probability that they will become paying customers. Pick up your customers especially well during this period to have a high conversion from trial period to paid period.

Churn rate

This metric shows the relationship between cancelled subscriptions during the specified period and the total number of all subscriptions at the end of the period.



Net gross profit

The net gross profit is your earned money. On the Overview tab, three values of net gross profit are displayed, calculated for today, this month and this year accordingly. These amounts are calculated by deducting sales tax, CopeCart fee, affiliate commission and joint venture participation from gross sales. You can increase these values by increasing your sales.

Link clicks

This value counts the total number of clicks on your affiliate promotion links generated by your potential buyers. This value is independent of a single product and shows all clicks on your affiliate promotion links, starting from the first day. The more link clicks you generate, the higher your affiliate revenue will be. So increase the number of link clicks on all products you promote.

Past days since target start

Shows the number of past days since you set your sales target. The higher the number of days, the closer you are to reaching your sales target.

Development of the annual gross profit

This chart shows you the ratio and the development of your actual annual gross profit to your planned annual gross profit. If the actual annual gross profit is above the planned annual gross profit, you perform better than planned. If the actual annual gross profit is below the planned annual gross profit, you must take appropriate measures to increase sales.


Net Gross Profit

In this chart you can track and analyze the development of your net gross profit. Thus you can quickly see particularly good and particularly bad months and analyze how the corresponding result came about. Try to implement the strategies from the good months more regularly, so that you can continuously increase your sales.

Link clicks

This value counts the total number of clicks on your affiliate promotion links generated by your potential buyers. This value is independent of a single product and shows all clicks on your affiliate promotion links for the selected period. The more link clicks you generate, the higher your affiliate revenue will be. So increase the number of link clicks on all products you promote.

Average net gross profit per click

This value shows you how much you earn per link click on average for the selected period. The average net gross profit per click is calculated by dividing your net gross profit by the number of link clicks. The higher this value is, the more you can spend on new customer acquisition.


This is the amount paid out to you in the selected period. Focus on increasing your net gross profit to increase your payout amount.


This tab lists the affiliates with the corresponding sales coefficient and net gross profit. The better the affiliate's performance, the higher it will be rated in the list.

Net gross profit/payouts

The net gross profit is your actual earned money. This amount is calculated by deducting sales tax, CopeCart fee, vendor and joint venture participation from gross sales.

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Best regards

Your CopeCart Team

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